Snail enjoying the wet weather! |
What a horrible day! I wish I had called the trip to Titchwell off, as it was relentlessly raining all the while Mum, my brother and I were here today. It really was miserable weather and we ended up getting soaked to the bone (especially me). At least the slugs and snails were happy. They love wet conditions like this as it suits their slimy bodies which is sensitive to heat and they were moving a lot smoother than usual. Everywhere you look, there was a snail or a slug. It was almost hard not to step on one by accident. They really are alien looking when you stop and study them up close and are rarther fascinating creatures, well worth sparing their lives by stepping over them.
Slug |
Bearded Tit |
Though the snails are entertaining in their own little way, it was the birds I have come to see. Out on the pools, there were plenty of waders, especially dunlins, ruffs and avocets. We also spot ringed plovers, grey plovers, redshanks, oystercatchers, black-tailed godwits, teal, little egrets, common terns, shelducks, pied wagtails and greylag geese. From one hide, we were lucky to watch two juvenile bearded tits poping in and out the bottom of a reedbed, as if playing peek-a-boo with the waders and teal feeding in front of them.
Curlew |
Black-tailed Godwit |
Ruff |
Avocet |

Ruff |
Common Tern |
Juvenile Pied Wagtail |
Grey Plover |
Dunlin |
A murky sea view from the beach |
With the rain still pouring, my companions soon had enough and left me to walk to the beach alone. I found some linnets and reed buntings in the bushes close to the dunes and sanderlings on the beach. I was the only person up this end of the reserve that I can tell and with one look out to sea, I can understand why. It was a murky horizon and soon the rain was getting to me too. My clothes were soaked through, even my waterproof stuff was getting rarther soggy. Good job I had spare trousers and socks to change into! We were all glad to be back in the dry of the car as we made our the journey home. A good day for snails and waders, but not for us!
Female Reed Bunting |
Juvenile Sanderling |
Ringed Plover |
Little Egret |
Definitely looked like a snaily kind of day! You still saw lots of good stuff though!