Wednesday 22 May 2019

May 22nd Strumpshaw Fen

Don't you just hate it when you have to wake up early to catch a train the next day only to have your sleep disrupted from noises outside? Well last night, I was kept awake by a tawny owl hooting from a tree just outside my bedroom. Now, I'm not complaining as it got me excited. I don't hear one this close from my flat that often, so of course I jumped out of bed and opened the window in attempt to see it. I couldn't. It was just too dark to spot it. Once the hooting became silent as if to signal that the owl had gone, I tried my best to get back to sleep, but my mind was just full of thought thanks to that owl. By the time my alarm went off, I was unsure if I had slept or not.

Common Lizard
It was another glorious day at Strumpshaw Fen. There was one real disappointment though. No twayblades. I was hoping to tick this orchid off my list today, but it seems that I must wait another week until I can hopefully do that. No matter, there was plenty of other things to look for. Swallowtails were top of everyone's wish list this morning. They had been seen yesterday, but sadly, they weren't showing up for me today. What I did see, however, were some bearded tits from Fen Hide, a kingfisher from Reception Hide and several hobbies from both hides respectfully. I also saw a lizard and spooked a couple of Chinese water deer.

Grey Heron with an Eel
A heron provided some drama outside the Reception Hide as it took a few minutes wrestling with an eel while also trying to discard a piece of muddy weed from its bill at the same time. It was eventually successful, gulping it down in one go!

Despite not seeing a swallowtail, I did see plenty of other great insect species. From hairy dragonflies to blue-tailed and azure damselflies and from red mason bees to ruby-tailed wasps. Butterflies were also well represented with orange-tips, holly blues, small whites, green-veined whites, peacocks and brimstones.

My shift ended earlier than usual because my family arrived for a visit. So I joined my mum, 2 brothers, my sister-in-law and little Ava for a short walk to Fen Hide and back. Ava was a little more excited than the last time she came for a walk here and was full of energy. As she ran around the place, it was difficult to spot the wildlife before she more than likely scared them off. Never mind. At least she was enjoying herself as she played with the vegetation and attempted to understand how binoculars worked in her own little way. I'll make a naturalist out of her one day one step at a time.

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