Wednesday 24 April 2019

Update! A Decision Has Been Made!

So after a month with no photos due to a full storage on Google Photos, I have finally made a decision. I am deleting all my photos from one album. I'm afraid that many of my posts will be blank without photos for a while (some for a second time). This will include posts dating from 2016 - 2019. I will from now on be more selective and will only show a small handful of highlights for each post. This means that I will not show common species like mallards, etc (unless its really worthy of showing) and more than one image of the same thing in order to free up more space and to make this blog less bogged down with the same old same old. It pains me to do this, because I felt like they gave extra narrative to my outings. But it is a sacrifice I'm willing to make to revive this blog, which has given me so much joy.

Also, I am not going to make highlight posts such as my end of year posts that showcase the best of my photos from that past year. This also means that I will delete these kind of posts from my blog. The only exception will be 'My Emperor Moth Caterpillars: The Story So Far', which shows the development of the caterpillars from egg to cocoon that I raised last year. However, I will delete the separate posts that documented their development throughout that summer as it is pointless keeping them if I have the full story anyway.

I'd like to thank you all for your support, suggestions and patience. I'm hoping that the choice that I've chosen will improve this blog, though it is going to be very time consuming. If you are flicking through the old posts, please be patient a little longer (though some post will possibly will remain photo-less if the post happens to be really short). They will return, don't worry. In the meantime, I will continue the blog with new posts with new photos. The Autistic Naturalist will live on!

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