Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Caterpillar Diaries (Part 4)

New look number 3. Even hairier than before!
As I said from the previous post (which was this morning), my caterpillars have been acting strange once again. And my deductions were correct, they were indeed shedding their second skin. The colour change is a great indicator that they were close to moulting. I guess the orange stripes means that the change was about to happen. That and the fact that they stopped moving while huddling together in small separate groups. Tonight, I saw at least one of them crawling around to continue eating after freshly emerging from it's old skin. Once again, this new skin is even hairier than the previous one. I'm amazed that it was only Saturday that they emerged from their first skin and they didn't shed that until almost a week after hatching. They were only in their second skin for 3-4 days. Still no sign of them becoming green yet, though.
One freshly emerged caterpillar, while another is still shedding
In the process of shedding their skins

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